Smoked Salmon and Cream Cheese Quiche

This summery smoked salmon and cream cheese quiche is extremely simple and quick to make and is the perfect dish to have during the exceptionally hot weather we are experiencing at the moment. These delicate flavours complement each other perfectly and you can add a handful of chives to enhance it further. The recipe is adapted from

Serves 4.


1. 1 pack of ready-made and rolled shortcrust pastry

2. 100 grams smoked salmon, cut into small pieces ( I just tear it up with my fingers, much easier!)

3. 75 grams cream cheese

4. 3 eggs

5. 1 cup of whole milk

6. 10 grams of your favourite grated cheese

7. Chopped chives (optional.)


1. Pre-heat the oven to 175C.

2. Line a quiche dish with the shortcrust pastry. Gently push the pastry into the edges of the dish, then trim the top with a knife ensuring you go right along the edge.

3. Whisk together the eggs and milk.

4. Whisk in the cream cheese.

5. Place the smoked salmon pieces on to the pastry case, distributing evenly.

6. Pour the eggy mixture into the pastry case on top of the smoked salmon.

7. Sprinkle with the chopped chives and grated cheese.

8. Place on a heavy baking tray, this helps to lift the quiche into and out of the oven and a heavy-based one helps to make the quiche pastry crispy underneath.

9. Bake for 30-40 minutes until set and slightly browned on top.

10. Serve in slices warm or cold with a salad of your choice.

Photo shows Sparky and Harriet sitting outside ( in the shade ) with the quiche on a white metal garden table. Sparky is panting but insisted on being in the photo! (39 degrees in the shade!)
Photo shows a photo of the quiche, golden on top and green flecks of chives.

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